RFID vs Automated Guided Vehicles

May 20, 2021

RFID vs Automated Guided Vehicles: The Ultimate Comparison

RFID technology and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are two popular technologies used in different industries to streamline processes, improve efficiency and reduce human error. Both technologies have their unique benefits and drawbacks. In this blog post, we will compare RFID and AGVs to help you choose the best technology for your business needs.

What is RFID Technology?

RFID stands for Radio-Frequency Identification. It is a wireless technology that uses radio waves to automatically identify and track objects. RFID tags are attached to objects, and they can be read remotely by RFID readers or scanners.

One of the significant advantages of RFID technology is that it doesn't require a direct line of sight to the tag, making it ideal for tracking objects that are difficult to scan manually. RFID technology is widely used in supply chain management, inventory tracking, and asset tracking.

What are Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)?

AGVs are autonomous vehicles that follow a predetermined path to transport materials or goods within a facility. They use sensors, cameras, and other technologies to navigate through a facility and avoid obstacles. AGVs are commonly used in manufacturing plants, distribution centers, and warehouses. They improve efficiency and safety by reducing the need for human operations.

Comparison between RFID and AGVs


When it comes to cost, RFID technology is more affordable compared to AGVs. RFID tags and readers are relatively inexpensive, and they require minimal investment in infrastructure. AGVs, on the other hand, are expensive to acquire and operate. They require significant investment in infrastructure, maintenance, and programming.


RFID technology is extremely accurate in tracking and identifying objects. RFID tags can be read from a distance without requiring a direct line of sight. AGVs, on the other hand, rely on sensors and cameras to navigate through a facility, and they may encounter difficulties with obstacles and changes in the environment.


RFID technology is more versatile compared to AGVs. It can be used to track a wide range of objects, including assets, inventory, and people. AGVs, on the other hand, are designed to transport materials within a facility and cannot be used for other purposes.


Both RFID technology and AGVs improve efficiency and productivity in different ways. RFID technology streamlines processes by reducing the need for manual data entry and tracking. AGVs, on the other hand, automate material handling, reducing the need for human intervention and increasing throughput.


RFID technology and AGVs both have unique benefits and drawbacks, and businesses should carefully consider their needs and objectives before choosing the best technology. While RFID technology is more affordable and versatile, AGVs are more efficient in automating material handling. Ultimately, the best technology will depend on your business needs and goals.


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